6 months ’til the comp–an update.

Starting back in October of 2013 with a solid plan didn’t seem to be motivation enough to stay on it (blame it on holidays and life in general.)

No matter…here’s an update: Since The Wall has opened in Russellville, I claimed their first year-long membership. Holidays over, Winter funk shaken off  and I’ve dedicated to every other day on plastic.

The Wall

Today “officially” (since I’ve never dedicated myself to a plan) starts one hour of cardio per day.

A sample week for the first 2 months leading up to 24HHH (bearing any setbacks that my job might present–working on a college campus has its challenges) looks like this. The plan will alter as my skill/fitness level improves.

30 minutes of cycling (road) 30 minutes of jogging (using C25K app)
~2-3 hours of sport climbing with partner / 1.5 hours of bouldering: pyramid style  (depending on schedule)
15 minutes restorative yoga

30 minutes of cycling (road) 30 minutes of jogging (using C25K app) or
1 hour of MTB / 30 minutes of jogging (using c25K app)

30 minutes of cycling (road) 30 minutes of jogging (using C25K app)
1 hour of bouldering (4x4s)
1 hour of class yoga (as schedule allows)/30 minutes of restorative independent yoga

30 minutes of cycling (road) 30 minutes of jogging (using C25K app) or
1 hour of MTB / 30 minutes of jogging (using c25K app)

Friday: 30 minutes of cycling (road) 30 minutes of jogging (using C25K app)
~2-3 hours of sport climbing with partner / 1.5 hours of bouldering: pyramid style (depending on schedule)
Climbing on Fridays will hopefully be more outside than inside as the weather is more favorable.

Saturday: 30 minutes of cycling (road) 30 minutes of jogging (using C25K app) or
1 hour of MTB / 30 minutes of jogging (using c25K app) 15 minutes restorative yoga.
Potential for climbing outside this day or Sunday depending on schedule. Or hiking either day.

Sunday: 30 minutes of cycling (road) 30 minutes of jogging (using C25K app)
REST DAY from anaerobic

A typical night at The Wall.

This is something that is manageable to begin the first 2 months of the 6 month training for the comp. I find that the hardest part of sticking with a training schedule is my own varied schedule between work at Tech, personal work, working on this solo exhibition project and personal time.

The one aspect that has continued to stay on point has been my diet. No, not “diet” in the traditional sense but a dedication to eating clean, vegetarian and mostly gluten-free. With the occasional “cheat” of a cookie or ice cream, I’ve been successful in balancing the social/comfort/taste aspect of food with the mental dedication that “food is fuel.”

So far to supplement my protein post-climbing gym, I’ve really loved Vega Bars. They’re the only bar I’ve found so far that contains no soy protein isolate. Do your body a favor and read more about why you should be avoiding this product in your diet.

Vega BarsThe best protein powder that follows the clean diet/organic guidelines that I’ve set for myself is Garden of Life Raw Organic  Protein Powder. Since I’ve been avoiding gluten as much as possible and attempting to eat as clean as possible, this is a good fit. It’s not without its problems…I highly recommend blending it in with frozen berries, honey, etc. for some taste. It’s a bit gritty otherwise. When just mixed with coconut milk and my favorite coffee powder, I feel like I’m getting the Shake Weight workout for it to all be blending properly. Garden of Life


Be well–I’ll have another update next month!

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