Week Two (10/14/13-10/20/13)

October 14th, 2013

Today was a work day spent processing the weekend of event images I shot for the university. When I got home I was ridiculously stir crazy from sitting at my desk most of the day. I took a quick bike ride to the post office and the long way home just to give my heart a bit of a race.

After I got back, I completed the “Navy Seal” circuit workout again. (I’ve listed it again below for reference.)

Squats with a 5lb dumbbell x as many as possible(AMAP) for 1 minute
-Rest 15 seconds-
Stability ball hamstring curls x AMAP for 1 minute
-Rest 15 seconds-
Calf raises x AMAP for 1 minute
-Rest 15-
Palm up forearm curls with 5lb dumbbell x AMAP for 1 minute
-Rest 15-
Palm down forearm curls with 5lb dumbbell x AMAP for 1 minute
-Rest 15-
Chin-ups x AMAP for 1 minute
-Rest 15-
Diamond push-ups x AMAP for 1 minute
-Rest 15-
Rows with Metolius rock rings x AMAP for 1 minute
-Rest 15-
Forearm plank until failure for 1 minute.

I did this circuit twice with a 2 minute rest in between.

I felt like I pushed myself harder this time and definitely felt it on the second round by the time I got to the push-ups…nausea set in and I had to fight quitting.

Doing this workout reminded me a lot of the mental capacity we are forced to get in while climbing. Sometimes physically our body is calling to us to give up– I’m assuming because that’s the threshold we’re currently at. Doing this circuit this time, I really focused on mini-goals like hitting a certain number of reps or completing the whole plank in the minute without failing. I achieved those mini-goals even though my body was begging for me to give up. When climbing sometimes you are forced to commit moves that you don’t think are possible or you feel positive about. On that crack climb I completed on Friday, there were moments that I didn’t feel 100% and my body was itching for me to just take an easy fall since I was top-roped but I didn’t give in. I’ve got to constantly force myself to imagine I’m leading, because moments like that aren’t possible in that scenario.

When it comes down to it, that struggle I just described is becoming one of my favorite things about this sport I’m constantly pursuing.

The outlook for this week looks to be as follows:
Tuesday– off day
Wednesday- shooting an event after work/Navy Seal workout afterwards
Thursday– shoot after work/Navy Seal workout
Friday– bike ride/jog
Saturday-climbing trip to Horseshoe Canyon
Sunday-bike ride/shooting a wedding



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